Our Recent Tree Work

On This Page

Check out the recent tree jobs we have completed in your area as we give before and after images of the tree work completed as well as a brief breakdown of the tree issue and what we did to solve it. 

Recent Tamarack Removal At Local Golf Course

Golf courses are known for their meticulously kept grounds. One of the key components of this is well-taken care of trees that are regularly pruned and maintained and removed when necessary.

We recently completed a tree work job at Magna Golf Course in Aurora, ON where we needed to remove a problematic Tamarack tree from the course. 

The Tree Issue:

This big old Tamarack had a wounded base which had compromised the structural integrity of the tree. It had become a danger and a liability and the tree needed to be removed for the safety of the golfers and golf course employees at Magna.

What The Sequoia TreeScape Team Did: 

We assessed the best way to take down the tree in a safe and efficient manner. Using a controlled rope system installed up high in the crown of the tree we were able to safely and slowly pull it to the ground to ensure no damage was done to the surrounding trees and landscape.

Once the tree was felled we were able to cut it down into smaller pieces, chipping and disposing of the crown part of the tree and cutting larger sections into firewood lengths for the course employees to keep for firewood. 

The Sequoia TreeScape team is proud to offer professional golf course tree care services throughout the York Region. If you are a property manager at a golf course in need of tree work don’t hesitate to contact us for a free estimate. 

Before & After Tree Work Images - Magna Golf Course

tamarack tree removal magna golf course tree care services sequoia treescape

Tamarack With Wounded Base

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Falling The Tamarack Onto The Ground

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Cutting Up the Tamarack Into Firewood

Aurora Backyard Tamarack Removal

Trees are helpful for shade and beauty in your backyard but if they are planted too close to your home they can cause issues and become a falling hazard if they sustain storm damage

In a recent backyard tree removal our team took down 2 large Tamarack trees that were growing too close to the Aurora homeowner’s house

The Tree Issue:

The homeowner contacted our team of tree experts about 2 large 60’ Tamarack trees that were growing too close to their house. The trees’ crowns were growing over the roof and deck area. Several limbs had fallen over the years onto the deck and there was a risk of real damage occurring. The continual dropping of needles onto the deck and into the eavestrough was also causing upkeep problems for the Aurora homeowner.

What The Sequoia TreeScape Team Did: 

The client was tired of living below these problem trees and because they back onto a ravine there are still plenty of trees in their backyard and behind. We removed the crown of the trees and then fell the trunks of the trees into large sections then cut them up into manageable sizes for removal from the backyard. Once the tree was down we removed all of the pieces of the tree from the homeowner’s backyard and cleaned it up fully.  

The Sequoia TreeScape team is happy to offer professional residential tree care services throughout the York Region. If you have a troublesome tree causing issues in your backyard or anywhere on your property contact us for a free estimate. 

Before & After Tree Work Images - Aurora Tamarack

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60' Tamarack Near House

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2nd 60' Tree To Be Removed

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Safe Removal Away From House

aurora tamarack backyard tree removal service sequoia treescape

Aurora Backyard Tree Removal

Newmarket Restaurant Dying Maple Tree Removal

Trees can add a lot of aesthetic value at restaurants and businesses as well as shade on patios but if the tree is unhealthy it can turn into a hazard to customers and patrons which can be a serious liability for business owners. We recently removed a dying Norway maple tree in downtown Newmarket to help make a patio safe for people to eat at once again.

The Tree Issue:

The Newmarket restaurant owner reached out to our team of experienced tree surgeons about a large dying Norway maple tree that was located right beside their restaurant’s patio and also stretched out over their parking lot. The tree was dropping dead branches onto people while they were eating, and there was an added concern of the tree being too close to the power lines as well. 

What The Sequoia TreeScape Team Did: 

Before we began removing the dying tree Hydro came out and placed pads on the power lines to make sure that the tree removal was handled safely. Once that step had been completed we cut down the crown of the maple tree and then fell the trunk of the tree, cutting it into medium-sized sections. Once the tree was completely down we removed all of the pieces of the tree from the restaurant’s property, leaving the place completely clean and ready for patrons to enjoy the patio once again.    

The Sequoia TreeScape team is proud to offer professional tree care services for businesses throughout the York Region. If you have a troublesome tree causing issues in your parking lot, patio area, or anywhere on your business’s property contact us for a free estimate. 

Before & After Tree Work Images - Newmarket Restaurant

tree removal from business in newmarket professional tree care services

Dying Norway Maple Tree

Adding Pads to Hydro Lines for Safe Tree Removal

complete tree removal at newmarket restaurant

Removing The Pieces of The Norway Maple From the Property

Pruning of Manitoba Maple in Aurora

We currently pruned a large Manitoba maple tree in Aurora, ON to remove some of the diseased trunk and thin out the canopy to help it grow stronger again and to keep it from dying or becoming a safety issue for the homeowners.

The Tree Issue:

This tree in a backyard in Aurora had some serious decay in the trunk which was causing stress to the canopy and it was dying leaving large limbs of dead wood which were a hazard to the homeowner. 

What The Sequoia TreeScape Team Did: 

We removed the large obvious chunks of dead wood from the Manitoba maple’s trunk as it was suffering from decay. This decay was negatively impacting the canopy and some of its limbs also needed to be removed. It is always best to keep the crown of your tree thinned out to allow storms to blow through it easier and keep the chances of storm damage to a minimum.

The Sequoia TreeScape team is proud to offer professional tree care services in Aurora throughout the York Region. If you have a troublesome tree causing issues in your backyard, around your pool, or in your front yard contact us for a free estimate. 

Before & After Tree Work Images - Aurora Manitoba Maple

tree pruning in aurora, on tree care company

Pruning Dying Limbs of the Manitoba Maple Tree

tree service in aurora pruning dead trees

Tying Off the Limbs for Safe Removal

Thinned Out Canopy of Manitoba Maple Tree